Here you are on vacation

A vacation that matters instead of a vacation that ticks

High time to reinvent your vacation!
Reinvent your vacation too. You simply don't have to do anything.
We at Wagrain-Kleinarl Tourismus believe that we can provide the world with an answer to a rapidly growing human need.

The world needs regeneration.
People need regeneration.
Vacations need a new meaning.

In close cooperation with the Paracelsus Medical University, we have set out on a search in our beautiful region to find what we have all been missing for some time: true regeneration and relaxation. In the process, we have discovered hidden treasures that have been proven to promote health and reduce symptoms of illness.

  • Why “regeneration”?
  • What is regeneration?
  • How do you experience your regeneration in Wagrain-Kleinarl?

Why “regeneration”?

Regeneration gives the vacation back its very own quality, its actual effectiveness: the healing power of relaxation. Regeneration restores our own relationship to ourselves, to our living space and to our social environment.

What is regeneration?

Regeneration means regaining spent energy and thus restoring performance. Regeneration is the process of restoring a state of physiological equilibrium after stress. Regeneration and resilience are closely linked. Resilience refers to the ability to recover from stress and strain and to adapt to new situations. Regeneration is an important part of resilience and good regeneration can help to improve resilience.

How do you experience your regeneration in Wagrain-Kleinarl?

Six regeneration zones and plenty of opportunities to regenerate your body, mind and soul

We would like to offer you a vacation in our region where you can truly experience regeneration. Together with the Paracelsus Medical University, we show you places and activities in our region that have been proven to contribute to mental and/or physical health. We focus on the regeneration of heart and lung fitness, the musculoskeletal system and mental health.

our Regeneration tours

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